Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Introduction to Information Systems Security Essay

A LAN, or local area network, is a group of computers ranging from small to large within a single office or building. Security and access control has to be robust to secure data, applications, and confidential records. Unauthorized access to the network is a massive security risk for the infrastructure. One way to reduce the risk of access is to implement access doors with key cards to only allow authorized personnel. So if there was a breach in security its only limited to select personnel. The workstation domain is where a user can connect to the business network through the local area network. This can be done by laptops, phones, tablets, and desktops. Each workstation requires a user ID and password. To prevent unauthorized access pass word protection should be enabled. A strong password should consist of uppercase, lowercase letters and special characters. If a workstation is idle for a certain amount of time there should be automatic screen lock, which requires the user to reenter their password for access. Certain user should only have the ability to make changes like downloading and installing something to internet access. This along with an anti-virus program will reduce threats like viruses and malware. So if a virus was present on a workstation it will be removed before it spreads throughout the network. The user domain is the employees who access the organization network and IT infrastructure. There should be a policy in place that defines what the employee can do inside the organization. A employee handbook would be beneficial and should list all of the guidelines and procedures. Many smack threats can be avoided by the lack of knowledge and security violations. Reminders like emails and periodic meetings can help employees be more aware about threats and technology updates. If there is a security violation the employee should be under watch and have a meeting with their supervisor. Employee’s daily usage should also be supervised periodically to find any abnormal activity. There also should be warning in place when employees are trying to operate during restricted hours.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

What Does It Take to be Good Parents? Essay

Good morning ladies and gentlemen. I am Chong Cia Ling, the founder of Brainy Montessori. I am so grateful to have such an honour standing here to deliver my speech entitled â€Å"What does it take to be good parents?†. I am sure all the parents here will agree with me that being parents is tough. Bringing up children is a very difficult task. Everyone wishes to be good parents. However, sometimes we could be so discouraged and helpless when we get the feedback that we are not good parents although we have done our upmost to provide the best for our children. What is the cause of that? Today, let us learn how to be good parents together. A parent is said to be a good parent only after seeing how he has brought up his children. They should bring up the children in a very good discipline. However, we need to bear in mind that discipline does not mean that they have to punish their children for every wrong doing. Recently there is a famous video of a Texas judge hitting his teena ge daughter repeatedly with a belt. This father justified his actions as â€Å"discipline.† I beg to differ. According to the video, the father is not disciplining his daughter. He is engaging in an act of punishment intent on hurting, humiliating and controlling her! Well, it is common that children do mistakes. Yet, what a good parent must do is he has to teach him how to differentiate what is good and what is bad. We need to understand that giving punishment especially physical punishment will not help children in a way instead it will create new problems. Indeed, it hurts. For instance, children will become rebellious as they have already got used to the corporal punishment. Eventually, they will develop hatred towards their parents. Deborah Sendek (2011) also claims that physical punishment is ineffective in parenting. It can easily escalate and cross the line to abuse and serious injury, particularly when an instrument is used. Children become emotionally alienated from parent who hits them frequently. Research also shows that physical punishment makes it more likely that children will be defiant and aggressive in the future. These research findings have been endorsed by many prominent organizations, including the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Medical Association, Voices for America’s Children, the National PTA, and the International Society for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect that advocate against corporal punishment. We cannot deny that children need guidance and discipline but what works? Effective  discipline helps a child to develop self-control by teaching, guiding, modeling and explaining what is wrong and what to do instead. Effective discipline starts with our attitudes about children and their behaviour. Redirection, discipline or punishment must include an explanation of why a behavior is unacceptable and what behavior is expected. Many times a child’s misbehavior is a mistake in judgment. In contrast, we hope our own mistakes serve a s learning opportunities. We need to apply this same rule to children. We must curb our anger and allow time to think about what we want to teach. Positive and proactive discipline strategies work from toddlers to teenagers. In today’s society, parents always have no time for children and thus, they hire maids to take care of children and give them what they want. In this way, parents feel that they have fulfilled their duty but it is not true! According to Duncan, making a child feel cherished is the single most important quality of an effective parent. It is also proved that in child development, kids who feel loved and cherished thrive. Duncan recommends spending time with your children doing what she wants to do. Every child needs to feel a sense of love and parents must love wisely. For example, play your child favourite game and read together. Besides, parents should be like friends to their children. They have to discuss everything and spend quality time with children. Only if then, children can feel the parental love. When children go to school they will see so many others’ parents. They should not a get a feeling that their parents are not taking care of them as his friend’s. Eventually, they will feel rejected and low self-esteem. In this case, parents must be very careful. However, we as parents need to note that every child is unique so it takes a different approach for that child to feel seen and loved. The hard work for us as parents is accepting who our child is and cherishing her for being that person, even while guiding behaviour. Parents need to use a positive lens and celebrate every step in the right direction. One of the ways is to show affection through warm words and physical touch. You will have no idea how a gentle cuddle, a little encouragement, appreciation, approval or even a smile can go a long way to boost the confidence and well-being of your children. For instance, when you must correct a child, do it in love. It can avoid criticism and blaming. It is important to avoid using negative vocabulary like â€Å"bad† because your child may internalize the label, thinking she is unacceptable  instead of just the behaviour. When you love your child wisely, she will learn and love you back. When your child fail the test, analyse the reasons of failing the test with her, encourage her to try harder next time instead of scolding, blaming and hitting. Good parenting is much more than just teaching your children right and wrong, good or bad. It is also about ‘respect’. I am not talking about your children necessarily respecting you. It is about you having respect for them, particularly for their privacy. Always bear in mind that children also have human right. Give them a chance to voice their opinions, listen to their suggestions and give them some freedom. In fact, parents need to respect children’s privacy as you would want them to respect yours. For example, if you teach your child that your room is out of boundaries to them, respect the same with their room. Allow to feel that once they enter their room they can know that no one will look through their drawers or read their diary. By respecting your children, they will be more open and respect you. As children hit adolescence they invariably begin to separate from their parents as a natural part of growing up. Ironically, it is also a time when parents have concerns about their son or daughter’s safety as they venture out more into the world on their own. Undeniably, this is quite a difficult time for most parents. It is a time of change, a time of testing. On one hand you are frustrated because your child is not as close as they once were and you keep pushing and pushing to know more about what going on in their life. You cannot be close, yet you need to be close to keep them safe. Balancing your desire to know all the details with your children’s right for privacy and the respect implied when you acknowledge that right, is a very tricky feat to accomplish indeed. However, it is a balancing act that is well worth the effort, especially for those of you who want to be the best parents that you ca n be. Thus, parents need to bear in mind not to be nosy parents. Do not dig around your teenager’s belongings. Never try to listen in conversations and avoid trying to keep children away from friends or activities out of spite to try to keep them safe. Of course as parents we have to be cautious and watchful but we must use common sense also and give them room to grow, the last thing we want to do is drive our children away from us. Remember what is like for a young boy or girl to be entering that stage in life where new feelings and experiences are happening to them on a daily occurrence. On the other hands, good  parents must be flexible. Having standards does not mean you are rigid. As your child grows from infant to toddler to teen, her needs change along with her body. Kids Health reports that parents should not compare one child to another. Parents nowadays tend to compare their children’s behaviour or progress with other children of the same age. Indeed, they are causing stress for themselves and their children. Comparing your children with others is an ultimately useless activity! I understand that it is hard to resist as we tend to assess our progress in any area of life by checking out how we compare with our peers. But come to think of it, when you were a child in school, you probably compared yourself to your schoolmates. Your teachers may not have graded you nut you knew who the smart kids were and were you ranked in the packing order. Now that you have kids of your own, do you still keep an eye on your peers? Do you use progress and behaviour of their kids as benchmarks to help you assess your own performance as well as your child’s progress? Children develop at different rates. There are early developers, slow bloomers and steady-as-you-go children in every group. So, comparing your child’s results or performance can be completely unrealistic. What does this mean to you? Focus on your child’s improvement and effort. Use your child’s results as the benchmark for his or her progress and development. You can tell your child like this:â€Å"Your spelling is better today than it was a few days ago† instead of getting frustrated at them for not able to score as well as other children. Encourage them to take a step at a time; they will grow up as a fine man one day. Parents, give your child some time. They need you in this learning journey. Besides, children have different talents, interests and strengths. Well, your eight years old child may not be able to ride a bicycle even though your neighbour’s child can. Avoid comparing the two as your child may not care about bicycle anyway. At this point of time, you as a parent should help your child to identify his or her own talents or interests and help them to be exceled in it. Recognize that his or her strengths and interests may be completely different to those of his peers or siblings. Sometimes parents can have unrealistic expectations for their children. We all have hopes and dreams for our kids, but they may not be i n line with their interests and talents. Thus, parents need to keep your expectations for success in line with their abilities and interests. If expectations are too high, kids will  give up. If they are too low, they will usually meet them! Parents should take pride in their children’s performance at school, sport or leisure activities. You should also celebrate their achievements and milestones, such as taking their first steps, scoring their first goal in a game or getting great marks at school. In addition, rules should shift to match the age, needs and development of your children. For instant, you might expect a child of two to throw temper tantrum but not a teen. An effective parent takes cues from her child, whether an infant’s cry or a teenager’s moods to know what will work best in a particular situation. So parents, stay tuned to your child’s evolving needs by keeping involved in her life. Furthermore, parents need to teach emotional intelligence to child. For instance, you teach your child to self-soothe. According to research, little ones do not learn to self-soothe by being left to cry. That just creates an over-active amygdala and panic response later in life. While soothing is a physiological process. For instance, when a baby cries and we soothe him, his body responds by sending out oxytocin and other soothing biochemicals. What you see is that he calms down and later he develops the ability to soothe himself when he is upset. Parents also can give them the message that their full range of feelings is understandable, even while their actions must be limited. Upmost, parents need to listen to them when they have feelings to express. Occasionally this will take the form of words, and it helps to give children kind words for their feelings: â€Å"You’re so mad!† but more often, children just need us to give them the safety of our loving presence while they cry or rage to vent their feelings. Often they will not be able to articulate what they are upset about, and it is not necessary. However, this helps children to learn to accept and process their emotions, so they can move past them rather than having to act on them. What does â€Å"acting out† mean? We act on our feelings rather than simply tolerating them as they sweep through us and dissipate. While you are teaching your child about emotional intelligence, you need to set as a good example too. If you are easily lose tempered, then you cannot blame of your children of throwing temper. They are learning from you! Sometime your emotional unstableness will affect the development of your child. Never argue with your spouse in front of the children. If they are sleeping, argue quietly. Modern divorce rates have children feeling insecure and fearful  when they hear parents bickering. Eventually, children will learn to argue with each other and become a hot tempered person. Show them that when people disagree, they can discuss their differences peacefully. Most of the children will get disappointed when their parents gave empty promise. There are so many cases whereby children do not even believe a single word that their parents said because the parents never put those promises in heart. Please imagine the feeling when someone that you trust and admire most always gives you a false hope. How you need to react? All of you are adults so you may know how to deal with it but hold on, how about our little children? They can be so disappointed, helpless, frustrated and even fall into depression! Some may even become rebellious as they thinking the parents are keep giving excuses of unable to fulfill the promises and never concern about their feelings. So, parents, you should do as what you have promised! Lastly, every parent should accept the truth that everyone is not perfect. Dr. Sears also reminds parents that it is fine to be imperfect as long as you set a good example most of the time. You may did some mistake in bringing up your child. It is not an unforgiving mistake. Learn the lesson and apologise to your child if it is necessary. All in all, in any case, even the most effective parents cannot genetic traits or the outside environment. Trust your instincts as parents but don’t confuse effective parenting with perfection. Practice showing love and flexibility towards yourself, as well as towards your children. Before I end my speech, I would like to wish all the parents the best in this journey of parenthood. Thank you for listening. References Deborah Sendek. (2011). Physical Punishment Doesn’t help, It Hurts. Retrieved from punishment/index.html Don’t Compare Your Kids to Others. Retrieved from,9385 Respecting and Giving Kids Their Privacy. Retrieved from

Monday, July 29, 2019

Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Disorder Essay Bipolar Disorder Essay: Finding the Light in the Dark Affecting nearly one percent of the population of the United States, bipolar disorder has quickly become one of the leading forms of mental illness (Spearing). While advancements in medical science and technology have allowed researchers and physicians to understand its elements more clearly, the effects of bipolar disorder are tragic and often deadly. Often the negative results occur due to a lack of proper diagnosis: some seventy-five percent of bipolar cases go untreated (Spearing). Through proper education and public awareness, this serious disease can be properly diagnosed, treated and possibly cured. Bipolar disorder, as defined by the Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine, is a mood disorder that causes a person to suffer extreme emotional changes and shifts in mood. Previously known as manic-depressive disorder, bipolar disorder causes alternate periods of mania and depression. To fully understand the effects of this disease, it is important to comprehend the meanings of mania and depression. Merriam-Websters Dictionary defines mania as excitement manifested by mental and physical hyperactivity, disorganization of behavior, and elevation of mood. Depression, on the other hand, is defined as a psychiatric disorder characterized by an inability to concentrate, insomnia, loss of appetite, feelings of extreme sadness, guilt, helplessness and hopelessness, and thoughts of death. (Merriam-Webster). The combination of the two results in emotional chaos. Of all psychotic disorders, bipolar disorder is the most common, affecting between one and two million Americans (Spearing). While it affects males and females equally, there are a few distinctions that can be made about those who do have it. Amongst men, early onset bipolar disorder is more frequent while there is higher rate of rapid cycling, mixed states, and cyclothymia in women (Wurztel 28-31). Also, according to one survey, an estimated 59% of bipolar patients experienced their first symptoms when they were children or adolescents (Harakas G2). Studies show that bipolar disorder occurs in 1% of all age groups (Bipolar Survivor). Evanston Northwestern Hospital claims, There is some indication that the incidence of bipolar disorder may be increasing. While it is important to understand that bipolar disorder is a disease separate from the numerous other types of mental illnesses, it is also necessary to differentiate between the four different types of the disorder. The first type, Bipolar I, is the most often discussed. People who suffer from this type of bipolar disorder experience extreme periods of mania coupled with depression (Bailey). During the extreme times of mania, Bipolar I patients engage in activities that are exceptionally dangerous and eccentric yet they believe that their actions are normal. Such activities may include spending outrageous amounts of money, investing in business schemes without any research or knowledge of the investment, driving recklessly, and engaging in sexual promiscuity (Bipolar Survivor). Also, during advanced mania, all touch with reality is completely lost resulting in delusions and hallucinations (Bailey). With this type of bipolar disorder, there seems to be an abundant amount of energy with almost a complete lack of sleep (Bailey). The second, and most common, type of bipolar disorder is known as Bipolar II. With this type, people experience recurrent bouts of depression without the psychotic episodes of mania. Unlike Bipolar I patients, they suffer from brief spells of hypomania during which they feel euphoric and have a great amount of self-confidence and energy (Bailey). While it may appear that hypomania is similar to general happiness, Dr. Hagop S. Akiskal, a senior advisor at the National Institute of Mental Health, states that hypomania is a recurrent condition; happiness is not (qtd. in Fireman 1470). Generally, this type of bipolar disorder is the mildest form of the disease and is the easiest to treat. Medicated mania, or Bipolar III, is the third type of bipolar disorder. The main difference between this type and the others is that it is the direct result of drug treatment or electroconvulsive therapy for depression (Bailey). Most times this occurs because the patient is misdiagnosed with clinical depression. The final classification of bipolar disorder is known as cyclothemia, or rapid cycling. This type is characterized by intense changes in mood occurring more frequently than what is typically .

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Theory and Practice of Ethics Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

Theory and Practice of Ethics - Research Paper Example It cannot be achieved by advancements in science and metaphysics. There can be differences of opinion about what is good for the human beings collectively. It has given rise to many theories in ethics. This paper aims at studying the role of media and its responsibilities from the ethical perspective. With the advancement in technology the role and shape of media is also fast changing. Technological advancement has made information very much accessible to everyone via various means. With internet and telecommunication and other mass media sources information travels very swiftly and fluidly all over the globe. With this wide reach and access of mass media comes the responsibility. Thesis Statement: Is the media playing its role responsibly for the collective well being of human kind? The Importance of Media Media has a strong role to play in forming the opinions of the public. Hence it in a way moulds what is acceptable and what is not acceptable by the society. It has a strong influ ence in determining ethical boundaries of the society. Ever since its inception media has been a powerful tool in shaping and molding people’s perception but with the current mushroom growth of mass media its importance has increased manifolds. The outburst of internet has fueled it further taking it to new heights. Every individual now has access to loads of information and that too is so easily available just a click away. It has not only increased the role of media but also increased the importance of the opinion of the people. Now public opinion matters in almost all walks of life even in important policy decisions. Public opinion matters most in politics. This growth in mass media has made individuals very opinionated and now we have opinions about almost everything and that too is an informed one (Vivan, 2006). Ethical Issues Created by Media Media and politics are strongly interrelated. What we observe today is the emerging phenomena of mediatization of politics, growi ng role of E-Politics and governance. These days’ media is extensively used by governments, political parties and all other stake holders in forming opinion of the public. It includes traditional media as well as all the modern electronic forms such as twitters, websites, social networking channels etc. Recently we observed an example of the influence of media in politics in countries like Egypt, Jordan and Libya (Street, 2010). But the question arises here, is the media brought revolution justified? Is it ethical? Is it really in the interest of the citizens of the country? With this increasing trend of mediatization the important question is no more about assurance of independence of media from politics and society but the need is to ensure independence of politics and society from the influence of media. Mediatization is a two pronged process. At one hand media emerge as independent institution, with independent thinking based on its own logic with which all the other soci al institutions must adapt. On the other hand it has become an integral part of all the other institutions of society such as politics, work, religion etc. Increasingly all the activities of these institutions are performed with the interaction of the mass media. The impact of mediatization can be understood from the fact that a headline in the newspaper may change the voting behavior of the people in the elections. Is the media playing its role sensibly and responsibly? Are they raising the right


WHAT IS THE REASON FOR GLOBAL TALENT MOBILITY IS IT RELEVANT TO THE LAW AND POLICY OF DIFFERENT COUNTRIES - Research Proposal Example Many companies are requiring high levels of flexibility from their subordinates as they increase their cross border activities. Furthermore, the changing trends towards diversity have put the firms under pressure to ensure that they get a global outlook. This is through having employees who emanates from different parts of the world. In 2011, the world changed dramatically. The financial crisis of 2009/2010 had a major impact on the global economy. Many countries across the world are still struggling to restore their local labor market. In countries that were highly affected, the local population eagerness to find a job abroad has increased immensely. Nevertheless, this does not necessarily mean that countries that have struggling economically are under pressure because the unemployed population will look for jobs in other countries. For instance, in some South European countries, the level of unemployment is very high. Nevertheless, the local population is not willing to leave their country in order to seek jobs elsewhere despite the ease to move to other European Union countries (Vance & Paik 2014). New opportunities keep arising in different markets across the world. With the increasing levels of competition in the local and international markets, companies are willing to take risks in order to tap to these opportunities. However, while opening these subsidiaries, they are forced to use some of their workforce that is experienced in dealing with customers who emanates from different cultural, racial, and religious background. The business world is changing rapidly. This has transformed the way companies are outsourcing their workforce, organize, and manage them. Currently, knowledge, trade, and technology are interlinked now more than ever (Vaiman & Haslberger 2013). The world is experiencing an explosive growth in the emerging markets, an aspect that is increasing the number of employees working away from their homes. In the past one decade, new

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Challenges Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Challenges - Essay Example All research methods basically engage in gathering certain facts through definite methods. All the methods that are used in different researches have weaknesses and strengths. For example, if a questionnaire is distributed to research participants, it is not possible for the researcher to make sure that all the respondents understand the questions in the survey in exactly the same way (Packer, 2010). In addition, it is not possible for the researcher to make sure that the respondents use the same language to write their answers even if they all understand the questions in the same way. Furthermore, research studies that are dependent on a single researcher’s observations are limited to the opinions and views or understanding of the researcher. Also, the presence of the lone researcher could have affected the reactions that were observed. The reliability of qualitative research can still be maintained in spite of these concerns. A coding frame relating to gender, age or the status of the contributor can be created to characterise each response from a research participant. The research transcripts can then be coded by two or more researchers. It is also vital for the researcher(s) to be careful to specify the background and details of the case study. The researcher(s) should also point out the differences as well as similarities between the case study being researched on and other settings of a similar kind. The researcher should also endeavour to illustrate how the research subject contributes to the recognized social theories as well as existing empirical

Friday, July 26, 2019

Our Bandit Future Cities, Shantytowns, and Climate Change Governance Essay

Our Bandit Future Cities, Shantytowns, and Climate Change Governance - Essay Example The researcher states that the effects of climate change on the world's cities and the people who live in them are not subjects that have received a great deal of attention, at least not in isolation from other climate change effects. Climate change effects tend to get considered in continental or regional terms: melting ice caps, agricultural crop losses across vast swaths of land, and shoreline loss that will inundate sub-continents. Alternately, the discussion tends to focus on behavioral change, again at the level of entire national populations, suggesting that countries must consider using cleaner energy sources, producing cleaner-burning vehicles, and providing incentives for citizens to insulate their homes better. Many, if not most, commentators seem to endorse the view that resolution of climate change challenges should be addressed at the global level and enforced by state parties pursuant to global accords. More recently, there has been some discussion of the inequalities that climate change will exacerbate. Crudely put, the analysis posits that poorer nations, especially those in Asia and Africa, will become poorer, while the richer nations will--if they do not become richer--suffer fewer of the negative consequences of climate change. In light of these differential climate change effects on poorer nations, some analysts have explored the probability of increased civil strife. However, even when the literature examines effects of climate change on civil strife, the analysis tends to address national roles and bilateral or multilateral national responses. (5) Furthermore, when land use changes are discussed, urban land use is typically excluded from consideration. The focus tends to be on deforestation and agricultural land. (6) This debate strikingly neglects what is arguably the dominant demographic shift of  our  era, namely the global trend towards urbanization--the move to mega-cities. As the United Nations Population Fund reports, in 2008, a majority of the world's population will live in urban areas. That number is expected to increase by another 50% by 2030. (7) In historical terms, it is impossible to understate the significance of this phenomenon, especially inasmuch as the vast majority of these urban immigrants will arrive with few resources and live in slum conditions. (8) Moreover, perhaps the characteristic feature of many such slums is that they are dominated by the informal economy, characterized by oppressive systems of patronage, corruption, and violence. (9) As the world gets hotter, this seems likely to create a--perhaps literally--combustible situation. (10) A host of factors, including environmental degradation, inadequate provision of environmental and infrastructure services, and limited employment opportunities are combining to turn many of the world's mega-slums into dangerous, violent places. (11) Moreover, there is considerable literature that has examined the relationship between increased urba n violence and temperature rise. (12) It does not seem unreasonable, therefore, to posit a connection between climate change and urban violence, one that calls

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Project Management Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Project Management - Case Study Example This is an added advantage for Rachel since at that time there is no distractions hence total concentration. However, although she gets to work early, in the first twenty minutes after getting into the office, she does nothing constructive. Instead, she takes these twenty minutes to socialize with her colleague Neil. Although socializing gets an individual in a good mood to start off the day, it is unadvisable since it may also act as a distraction (Erik and Clifford, 2011). Question 2: What does the case tell you about what it is like to be a project manager? It is worth noting that project management is not an easy task since it is a leadership position. Therefore, as a project manager, Rachel should arrive early in order to set a trend for her team members on punctuality and time management. More so, by the time the company managing director arrives, Rachel should be able update him or her on the progress of the project, as well as, the working team. There are a number of manageri al traits that are required of a project manager. First, project manager is a supervisor that over sees all the operations concerning the project (Erik and Clifford, 2011). For instance, Rachel spends most of the day moving from one office to the other supervising her team, consulting with her workmates as well as reporting to her boss. Secondly, as a project manager, one should play an assistive role to his or her colleagues. For example, Rachel helps another IS project manager in reviewing the project and bringing it back on track. Finally, a project manager should be social and keep in touch with everyone within and outside their organization. Rachel communicates with her team members and discusses extensively with her counterparts from client firms. These, among other reasons, show that the role of a project manager is a generally a one man task. 2) Moss and McAdams Accounting firm This case study is based on an occurrence at the Moss and McAdams (M&M) firm that caused a conflic t of interest between two managers: Bruce Palmer and Ken Crosby. The disagreement was on whom Mr. Zeke Olds, a very resourceful person, should work for. However, there are a number of reasons that place Crosby as the most suitable person to work with Olds. Question 1: If you were Palmer at the end of the case, how would you respond? The first reason would be that it is not advisable to have a member of the team who is not fully committed to the roles he or she is supposed to play. In addition, it would be best for Bruce to avoid conflicting with Crosby who was an important colleague (Erik and Clifford, 2011). Question 2: What, if anything, could Palmer have done to avoid losing Olds? According to Erik and Clifford, 2011, Although Palmer would have taken some impromptu actions to avoid losing Olds; it was the best action at the time. Initially, he could have held a discussion with both Crosby and Olds for the purpose of making a proper timetable as well as setting rules that would no t disadvantage either party. The second reason was that Palmer took quite a while before communicating with Ruby Sands, the manager in charge of assigning personnel to various accounts at the Green Bay Office in which Palmer and Cosby were based. Had he communicated his wish earlier, the situation would have been kept in control and his project, the Johnsonville Project, would have been kept on schedule. However, Crosby was not an understanding colleague since he expected favors although he could not return

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Diabetes Type II Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Diabetes Type II - Essay Example Of the many strategies and approaches that have been initiated in caring for chronically diseased patients, the telehealth system is a relatively new addition to the field. With only a decade or so of its commencement, telehealth has established itself as the future of medical care. The results so far have been extremely satisfying for both the patients and the health care providers. However, researches still need to continue in order to assess the long-term effects telehealth systems will give. Chronically diseased patients at the present are one of the largest group of patients availing health care. The cost and time that this group takes is larger than other groups combined together. Many of the visits to the hospitals are emergency visits, which are a further increase in the burden of the health care services. It is these factors that demand that a new system be introduced where patient care can be done with lesser hospital admissions and lesser complications. Diabetes has established itself as one of the most cost demanding and debilitating diseases of the 21st century. The impact of the disease affects all age groups and is prevalent worldwide. In America the figures are high and continue to grow, making a huge impact in the overall health economy. ... Also, introduction of primary health care and home care management systems is also being promoted to reduce the incidences of diabetes and to promote healthier lifestyles among patients. The study is aimed to study one of these new innovations, the Health Buddy System. Chapter Two: Literature Review The literature review is basically concerned with reviewing previous research that has been conducted on the disease under discussion and its prevention and cure measures. This part will focus on the following aspects: 2.1 Situation and Statistics of Diabetes Diabetes has been reported to be the sixth leading cause of death in America in 1999. (CDC, 2002) 6 percent of the Americans among the seventeen million are diabetic. Where as sixteen percent suffer from prediabetes. (ADA, 2001) Of the statistics, 90 percent of the patients suffer from type II diabetes. the per capita costs of diabetic patients in 2002 was found to be $ 13,243 as opposed to $2560 for the non diabetic patients.(Scott,2005) The statistics have shown an exceptional increase in the incidences among the rural areas, where in the 1980s the prevalence jumped from the sixth position to the first among the diseases. (Dever, 1991) And these incidences have increased steadily over the last ten years. The situation is compounded by the increased number of patients aging and joining the risk. Based on the current information, it is estimated that the number of patients suffering from diabetes will double by the year 2050. (Boyle, 2001) The cost for the care is staggering. The treatment costs for diabetes and diabetes related diseases in the US are $132 billion a year. (Brewin, 2005) The prevalence of diabetes is present among all ethnic and racial groups. Some, however suffer more from

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Harlow's Observations in The Nature of Love Research Paper - 1

Harlow's Observations in The Nature of Love - Research Paper Example The conclusion is that â€Å"the baby, human or monkey if it is to survive, must clutch at more than a straw† (ibid). It has proved that â€Å"contact comfort might be a very important variable in the development of the infant's affection for the mother† (ibid). The experiments results lead us to the conclusion that â€Å"With age and opportunity to learn, subjects with the lactating wire mother showed decreasing responsiveness to her and increasing responsiveness to the nonlactating cloth mother, a finding completely contrary to any interpretation of derived drive in which the mother form becomes conditioned to hunger-thirst reduction† (ibid, p. 676). The nursing variable, Harlow’s team found that is no way an unimportant variable as â€Å"contact comfort was an important basic affectional or love variable, but we did not expect it to overshadow so completely the variable of nursing† (ibid). Harlow was primarily an experimental and comparative psychologist. Still, he has made substantial contributions to many areas of psychology such as cognition, behaviouralism, child development, animal intelligence, psychopathology treatment and so on. Harlow’s experiments on monkeys and social development fostered the cognitive revolution in the 1960s and took psychology away from the simplistic behaviorist explanations. The time period was dominated by behavioralism and psychoanalysis and both had many a priori assumptions on human attachment. Harlow’s experiments became instrumental in going beyond many of the assumptions of humanistic psychology, especially the hierarchy of needs paradigm developed by Abraham Maslov. Moreover, it rejected the deterministic aspects of behavioral analysis too. The article was path-breaking as it challenged not only some of the key assumptions of the existing psychology but also even the key concepts and keywords commonly used in psychological inquiries. His replacement of the word attachment with love as a keyword in psychology had a profound influence.

DuPont Case Analysis Essay Example for Free

DuPont Case Analysis Essay INTRODUCTION: DuPont was established in the year 1802 by French Chemist, E.I DuPont de Nemours in USA. DuPont became successful by the end of third year and it started exporting back to its continent, Europe. In the span of these 200 years, it had shaped into a global company with variety of enterprises like Chemical, Energy, Science Based and High Technology. It maximized its manufacturing or processing operations in 40 countries and its products were sold in 150 places by the end of 1990. The company’s one third revenue comes from the European market from 1960. There are 50 companies, which employed more than 19,000 people in 14 countries of Europe. The scientists of DuPont developed the synthetic fibres industry by introducing nylon. They were the leading manufacturer of manmade fibres in the world. The most important product of DuPont is â€Å"Carpet Fibre†. This division was setup in Geneva, Switzerland which holds the RD, marketing and production areas. Products were produced in the UK and the sales offices are in Germany, the UK, France, Belgium, Spain, Scandinavia, and Holland. CASE CONTEXT: DuPont’s product nylon carpet fibre is not different from other fibres available in the market; however they were the top players in fibre industry. The parameters like color and texture are the factors that differ in the carpets. The fibre industry has nothing to do with these things. The carpet industry is concerned with these directly and they in turn led to the wholesalers, retailers and in turn to the customers. From the consumers point of view the carpet should be colorful, its texture is important and it should be easily maintained. DuPont has done extensive research on the customers third interest i.e. maintenance and founded the â€Å"Stain Master† that would allow to remove the stains permanently. With this invention, DuPont’s market share increased by 5%. This was first introduced in USA, later on with minor changes it has been launched in Europe. It gave mixed results for the company. DuPont’s decision is that the mills should have certain quality to use the process of stain master. In Germany, many mills felt that they don’t have these standards set by them; hence they didn’t show interest in the product. The UK market and France market reacted positively. Many companied executed the same formulae by giving low quality material at lower prices. This led to the stake of DuPont’s position in the market by 1980. FACTS: DuPont conducted research in the European Industry after the decline of its position in the market. They came to know some important facts: Flow of DuPont’s Fibres: DuPont’s Fibres Carpet Mills Wholesalers Retailers End Users The carpet mills are concentrated in only three countries the UK, France and Belgium. 80-20 rule is applied in European market; 80% of the business is carried but top 20% manufacturers. To stimulate the market, they used the help of Style Books to the wholesalers and retailers. They were not loyal customers to the fibre industry. They focused on the company that provides material at the best price. Retail and Wholesale operations are very different in these countries. In Germany  wholesalers dominated in the UK and Belgium retailers dominated the supply chain. PROBLEM: DuPont concentrated only on the carpet mills and they didn’t make any effort in knowing the end users. They invested money in RD for making innovations in fibres that is to be supplied to the carpet mills. They are least bothered to know about the customers. ALTERNATIVES: DuPont need to concentrate on the techniques that value the customers without affecting the supply chain. As carpet mills are the important customers to DuPont, they need to retain them. â€Å"Creating loyal customers is at the heart of every business†-Don Peppers and Martha Rogers. Identify the â€Å"Customer Benefit† and â€Å"Customer Cost† of the users and provide the product at â€Å"Customer-perceived value† (CPV). Monitor the satisfaction of the customer by conducting surveys. ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATIVES: In Europe, there are 60 carpet mills that can level DuPont’s standards; however only 50% of them are using their fibres. Rest of them wandering around for best price. The mills using DuPont’s fibres should be retained and they need to analyze the CPV value and set the â€Å"price† accordingly. The â€Å"place† is also very important for setting the price as European market is fragmented unlike USA market which is having only four players. The customers give least preference to carpets when they are buying house- hold equipments. They are not enjoying or admiring to shop for carpeting as it is just a blanket to protect the floor. Customers spend at least 10 weeks in buying the carpets.52% Customers buy carpets if the existing one is worn out. Repurchase cycle for carpets is 12 years. Customers are not satisfied with the product information. The retailers and wholesalers are not providing full information. They are not providing information on price, color, fitting rooms and quality. If â€Å"product† and â€Å"service† quality is maintained, customers would retain with them only. They didn’t â€Å"promote† their products. RECOMMENDATIONS: Retain the customers by giving them offers that attracts them easily. Provide sample fibres to 50% carpet mills that are not using DuPont’s material and offer a price that satisfy their needs. Provide a portal for the customers to choose their own color and design according to their choices by collaborating with mills. Provide better customer care services by training the retailers and wholesalers. Provide catalogues to the customers for better awareness of the product, whether it is retailer, wholesaler or final end user. PLAN OF ACTION: Identify the customers who are loyal to the company, give them incentives and promote the product brand. Select the location where sales of the company are not up to the mark and apply the alternatives to them i.e. setting price and giving offers to the carpet mills. Later on collaborate with the mills in that location and train the wholesalers and retailers about the product and give them the full information along with the catalogues. Provide better services to the customers by setting a portal where they can choose their own designs and place order to the carpet mills. Implement the above mentioned steps for three months and find the sales growth. Spread the plan if it worked in the selected location, by making minute changes to it according to the location. CONTINGENCY PLAN: Since DuPont is an expert and leading manufacturer in the manmade fibres, it can go for â€Å"VERTICAL INTEGRATION†. Instead of supplying fibres to carpet mills, it can set up a mill and manufacture carpets. It can directly deal with the customers. The above mentioned plan can be executed without the intervention of the mills. The Customer Satisfaction can be monitored and it can get to know the loopholes in the process and thus leading to correction of the mistakes and increasing the sales growth of the company.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Proposed amendment Essay Example for Free

Proposed amendment Essay Brief Presentation of Issue The 9/11 tragedy has led the US Federal Government to enact laws of national security that crosses all boarders. On October 2001, the US Congress has passed into law the US Patriot Act which formulates homeland security measures and combating burdens of the State on vulnerabilities and risks of present and future terrorist threat. The US Patriot Act of 2001 was the first enacted law that legally addresses the strong counter-terrorism measures of the US government that empowers all rules and regulations of the state’s homeland security. All US government agencies were enjoined to formulate a national and international operating guidelines relating to addressing a firmer global counter-terrorism policies and strategic sharing of burdens of information with allied international governments. The timeline of enforcement of the US Patriot Act of 2001 has accounted serious human errors in the conduct of enforcement to which the standard operating procedures constituted by the rules of court have been summarily neglected and to the point of being grossly deviated, specifically in serving search and arrest warrants that is likewise violating the 4th Amendment of the Bill of Rights. The issue of encroachment of the rules of court in issuance of search and arrest warrant has become a constitutional concern of the US Congress and the United Nation’s Commission on Human Rights (Leggiere, P. 2004). Framing of An Amendment to Search and Seizure Order The above cited issues has come the proposal to supplement the 4th Amendment of the Bill of Rights that constitutes the provision on search and seizure. The 4th Amendment may be therefore supplemented with an enabling clause as an Amendment on specific provision that states: â€Å"Constitutional liabilities in the issuance of search and seizure order. † A Brief Resolution of the Proposed Amendment The following proposed resolution formulates and creates the enabling clause of the Amendment: â€Å"Whereas, be it known that the facade of human error in the conduct of search and seizure may infringe the performance and call of duty in safeguarding the national security and protecting the lives of citizenry, and may violate the civil and constitutional rights of every citizens of the state and the immigrants;† â€Å"Whereas, be it further known that deviation and neglect in issuing search and seizure order may not constitutionally uphold the enforcement of such law and jeopardize the 4th Amendment of the Bill of Rights;† â€Å"Be it resolved, as it is hereby resolve that the proposed amendment shall state the provision of Constitutional liabilities in the issuance of search and seizure order,† that shall egally address the unauthorized and illegal search and seizure prior to the proceedings of proper and appropriate Court of laws. † Thus, the Amendment on â€Å"Constitutional liabilities in the issuance of search and seizure order† seeks to uphold the constitutional right of every state citizen and immigrants and deterrence to commission of human error of conducting authorities. Exploratory Issues to the Amendment The â€Å"constitutional liabilities in the issuance of search and seizure order† emanates an action that supplant the human error, as may be singled out in the performance and call of duty, and the flaws of government directives, authorization and function that engages constitutional liabilities in the conduct of search and seizure. Given the fact that despite the continuing violation of human rights, the human error and flaws of authorities are not given due response by the Court of law due to the absence of fundamental and legal precedents that shall interpret the violation. Likewise, the human error itself defeats 6th Amendment of the Bill of Rights wherein the fair trial composes the right of a person to be served with proper procedure prior to prosecution. To cite a relative incident, we can quote the disclosure of Phil Leggiere (2004) who stated in his investigative article, that: â€Å" the US Congress and Senate approve the Military Commissions Act, which authorizes torture and strips non-US citizen detainees (suspected of terrorist ties) of the right of habeas corpus—which includes formal charges, counsel and hearings—and also empowers the US president at his discretion to declare US citizens as enemy combatants and subject to detention without charge or due process†. The above cited disclosure further stated that, in so far as the US Court of law is concerned, the constitutional liability of the US government authority that has been directly involved is still pending for court interpretation and documentation of circumstantial facts. Obviously, the violation boils down to the presumed call of duty and in the name of national security to which the constitutional liability is impeded to surface (Leggiere 2004). Pros and Cons Pros. The primary advantage of adopting the proposed Amendment would enable a legal precedent that shall formally address the constitutional liability of the human error and the fine tuning of the US government authorities in the conduct of enforcement. The Court of law shall then recognize the pleadings of human right violations from the circumstance of complex conduct of search and seizure. The parliamentary procedure and judicial process may use the proposed Amendment as an examining tool on the extent and scope of violations wherein qualification and determination of offense shall be dealt with both civil and criminal punishment. Above all the benefits of the proposed Amendment is the articulation and emphasis of the search and seizure application to which the people, and specifically the victims of mistaken identity, shall be safeguarded from harm of circumstantial neglect, denial and justification of acquiring national security measures. Cons What could be claimed as a disadvantage upon the passage of the proposed Amendment is the dysfunction in covert and strategic operation in homeland security management. The dysfunction could be a vague issue but could be a burden in gathering of intelligence information for suspected terrorists and enemies of the state. However, in today’s application of advanced cyber-technologies, the US authorities may ultimately resort and rely on such expensive tools that may be useful enough for intelligence reconnaissance. Although it is still a common knowledge and understanding that the CIA still rely on the so-called open-source information relative to legal, Para-legal and covert extraction (Elsea, J. K. 2004). At this point of view, the covert extraction of information from sources (which could have been a result of torture), would be employed by the proposed Amendment. In which case, expose’ of information in the open court may bring vulnerability of covert operation. However, in that regard, there may be a venue to contain the inquiry on constitutional liabilities. Conclusion The Bill of Rights represents the people itself in the annals of democratic fundamentals. It is where the Constitution is made to uphold the moral virtues of citizenry and the government that represent them. Without the moral virtues of a constitution, a volatile and fragile democracy negates the human rights. It is therefore a moral obligation of every citizen in various governments to protect and lead into vanguard the proliferation of moral ascendancy for their rights above all the creation of the fundamental law of the land. References American Homepage. The Bill of Rights. Retrieved February 14, 2008 from http://ahp. gatech. edu/bill_of_rights_1789. html. Bruns, R. A. (1986). A More Perfect Union: The Creation of the United States Constitution. National Archives and Records Administration, National Archives Trust Fund Board, Washington, DC. Retrieved February 14, 2008 from http://www. archives. gov/national-archives- experience/charters/print_friendly. html? page=constitution_history_content. htmltitle=NARA%20%7C%20The%20Constitution%20of%20the%20United%20States%3A%20A%20History. Human Rights Watch (2004). Immigrants’ Rights under Attack in House Bill (H. R. 10). Retrieved February 14, 2008 from http://www. hrw. org/english/docs/2004/10/06/usdom9469. htm. Jennifer K. Elsea, J. K.(2004). U. S. Treatment of Prisoners in Iraq: Selected Legal Issues. CRS Report for Congress. Retrieved February 14, 2008 from http://www. us. gov/RL32395/pdf. Leggiere, P. (2004). Bill of Rights Under Bush: A Timeline. Mondo Globo Alpha. Retrieved February 14, 2008 from http://mondoglobo. ning. com/group/questionauthority/forum/topic/show? id=1509099%3ATopic%3A2937. Rapczynski, J. (2000). Search and Seizure. Yale-New Haven Teachers Institute. Retrieved February 14, 2008 from http://www. yale. edu/ynhti/curriculum/units/2000/2/00. 02. 04. x. html. Rodley, N. S. (1999). The Treatment of Prisoners Under International Law. Oxford Press, 2nd Edition. Retrieved February 14, 2008 from http://books. google. com/books? id=pOpdOyPn36ECpg=PA3lpg=PA3dq=protocol+on+treatment+of+war+prisonerssource=webots=vmMso_Qs-3sig=C2BMjcTvmC. Yale University (2007). 1996-2007: The Avalon Project at Yale Law School. The Lillian Goldman Law Library in Memory of Sol Goldman, 127 Wall Street, New Haven, Connecticut 06520. Retrieved February 14, 2008 from http://www. yale. edu/lawweb/avalon/lawofwar/geneva03. htm.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Waste Management Practices in Malta

Waste Management Practices in Malta Chapter 1 Introduction Context As time gone by, the world as we know it evolved and also with it do did the waste management practices. Through the global widespread epidemic outbreaks, back in early nineteenth century, waste management had shifted from the dilute and disperse and repair and reuse to the new concept of collect and remove in order to protect the general public from unhealthy living conditions. This approach gave birth to what we know now a day as landfills. The latter saw the introduction of new practices such as waste collection from cities being carted away and discarded openly somewhere else away from the same cities. The first dump sites (landfills) were not engineered in any form which essentially entailed finding a place where one could dispose of unwanted material outside its habitable boundary/territory. Since the beginning of the term sustainable living, many individuals famous to societies or also not known, along with other organisations had given definitions to waste. While every country around the globe has its own definition, other countries had moved forward, in particular the EU, and its 28 member states. Thus, the EU block has harmonised and has a synergy amongst all its 28 member states for defining waste. Waste has various definitions such as Waste is what is left behind when imagination fails (Ekberg 2009 as published by Linnenkopper in magazine Recycling International issue August 2016, para 1). However, within the EU, a synchronized definition of waste has been in use in its current wording for over three decades now and is embedded in the 2008, Waste Framework Directive (Directive 2008/98/EC). The legal analysis of Article 3(1) which defines waste as: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦any substance or object which the holder discards or intends or is required to discardà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Again, within the EU and its 28 member states, the Landfill Directive, municipal solid waste is defined as waste from households, as well as other waste which, because of its nature or composition, is similar to waste from households (EU, 1999). With lots of emphasis on waste management and waste becoming a problem, many took the advantage of this potential time bomb situation and came up with waste as a resource. The new concept of circular economy was born and introduced across the globe. Regretfully to say, there is no documentation when actually the term was born, but it is believed that it gained momentum in the late 1970s, and it was led by a small number of academics, thought-leaders and businesses. In smaller industries, where modern technology is usually less prevalent, a common tendency is to process waste through source separation (Berg, 1993:182). Hence, there is thus a considerable risk for sub-optimising solutions without an all-embracing perspective covering all kinds of waste (Tiberg, 1995 as cited in Stenis ,2005:22). As Mutavchi (2012:5) had stated in his Doctoral dissertation titled Solid Waste Management Based on Cost-Benefit Analysis using the Wamed Model The emphasis on waste continue to be problematic is more evident particularly in Europe. This can be confirmed by the European Commission investing in many innovative projects to control the waste issue. The latter are a wide range of initiatives ranging from reducing to reusing of wastes. The notion of municipal waste collection what we know today as Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) was introduced in Malta towards the late 20th century, and the first for dirty materials Materials Recovery Facility ( MRF) was established in Marsascala in 1993. The practice of recycling had been introduced in Malta many years later and as the National Statistics Office (NSO) proves by its available data, recycling locally is immensely low in numbers. In Malta, the sustainable discussions when it comes to waste were initiated with the application of Malta to enter the EU block back in the 1990, of which the latter missed the 1995 accession and again application was frozen back in 1996 when there was a change in Government from the Nationalist party (PN) pioneer to accession to the EU block to the Labour party (MLP) anti EU accession but in favour of special agreements e.g. Switzerland. Malta Eventually joined the EU as a full member in 2004 when after a short-lived Labour government of just eighteen months, the PN were re-elected and negotiations to reactivate the application had taken place intensely by 2000 in order for Malta to catch up with the other candidates awaiting to join the EU block which took place in May 2004. Only to join the block in 2004 after national turmoil on accession. Waste management was one of the issues that Malta had to cover during the EU negotiations and this gave birth to the first national waste management plan for the Maltese islands document back in 2001 of which its updated version is enforced via the Waste Management Plan for the Maltese Islands 2014-2020. The researcher concurs with the vision of the Waste Management Plan for the Maltese islands 2014-2020 (MSDEC 2014) that of realizing the link between environmental objectives and human wellbeing will lead to sustainable waste management. In order for the National Waste Management plan to be successfully implemented, there must be a full societal commitment. Unless the Maltese citizens commence mutually to adopt the 3 pillars of zero waste (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) within their daily lives, there will be little to no improvement. Furthermore, such commitment calls for every citizen to change their current behaviour. However, the latter can only be made if only proper dissemination of information is made for better choices to be made in order for the stimulation of the involved stakeholders to improve. 1.2 Research Objectives The motivation behind this research project is to feel the pulse of the Maltese citizens and any one residing in the Maltese Islands when it comes to waste Management practices, in particular waste management educational and awareness campaigns, their effectiveness on the general public and whether the latter are leading to the desired success when it comes to alter the citizens behaviour towards the 3 Rs as well as reaching the EU set targets. This research project aims to identify issues pertaining to barriers and limitations when it comes to the citizen to execute the 3Rs as well as identifying the niches subjects that the citizens feel that are not giving enough importance during waste management educational and awareness campaigns. The latter information gathering will give insight to better assessment prior and after campaigns as well as evaluate feedback that will make such campaigns more interesting and gain the desired success. Nevertheless, the researchers previous experience within the social research field will be put into use and practice again, and previous experience within such research will help to guide and improve this research methodology even better by eliminating already known flaws from previous research experience. The proposed research is aimed at: Finding the barriers and limitations towards the 3Rs Identify the success and failures of education and awareness campaigns Identify whether the citizens differ between awareness and educational campaigns Finding whether the citizens are ready to sacrifice their lifestyle for the sake of sustainability Finding whether politicians and politics plays a role and have influence on citizens and waste management Finding whether character assimilations can help participation increase in campaigns Finding what else the citizens want to know from these campaigns Finding whether there is Fragmentation or unity amongst the key stakeholders when it comes to waste management Finding who the citizens look up to, to resolve waste issues Finding whether management by crisis is applied when it comes to waste management issues Finding whether more can be done such as fines, enforcement, monitoring etc. Evaluating previous waste awareness and educational campaigns success. Research Questions The main research questions that the undertaken research study will explore are the following: What are the barriers and limitations to the citizens of the Maltese islands when it comes to waste management adherence? Why are the waste awareness and educational campaigns not leaving the desired results? What is lacking? What other information and guidance the Maltese citizens want to receive when it comes to waste management issues and executing of the 3Rs? Where is, Malta failing when it comes to public involvement in reaching the EU set targets for waste management? Whether education is or can be the link to bridge the gap between the citizens and waste management issues and living sustainably Structure of Dissertation The dissertation is divided into 5 Main chapters and throughout these chapters the researcher will engage in finding answers to the research questions. Following the introduction to the main subject in Chapter 1. Chapter 2 provides an over view of the waste management in Malta and how it had evolved with time, along with other legislation and obligations that Malta have nationally and internationally. The same chapter also reviews past and current waste awareness and educational campaigns, along with other issues pertaining to waste management within the Maltese islands. The gathered literature review aims to give an overview of the current waste management scenario along with the attitude and behaviour of the citizens towards such subject. Chapter 3, will take the reader around the approach the researcher had concluded to use throughout the study. The chosen methodology will aim to identify the main issues pertaining to waste management from a citizens and main stakeholders point of view. This part also provides a detailed description of the tools used and applied to gain the required information in order to arrive to a conclusion. Chapter 4 explores the in-depth evaluation carried out via the one to one interviews with various stake holders as well the focus groups carried out with various citizens. The latter chapter discusses in details the findings while evaluating deeply the findings gathered during the above-mentioned sessions. The findings during the analysis will give insight and ideas along with food for thought to the researcher in order to come up with proposals of how local scenario can improve on the whole. The final Chapter is 5, which presents the findings throughout the whole of the study along with conclusions and recommendations made from this research. The chapter revisit the findings and concludes by calling for further research and actions and for the findings and suggestions to be taken on board for execution by the responsible authorities. Conclusion The citizen seems to be shifting from the laissez faire mentality to the social responsibility of living sustainable, both for oneself and family as well as for the environment as a whole. While one must conclude that social conscious towards the environment and sustainable living is on the increase, one must question whether the authorities are guiding the citizen correctly and helping in reducing and/or restricting its barriers to keep on moving towards the sustainable lifestyle that every nation desires.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essay --

Jacksonian America was known as a form of democracy that was based on the interest of the common man, limitations of the federal government, the western expansion and settlement. It was named after President Andrew Jackson and purposed to form a democracy party which would make the state more of a republic then a monarchy. Jacksonian America had brought major changes to society and politics by creating a modern democratic party. When in office, Jackson and his governments view on native people had become the foundation of the Indian removal. This removal within states was known as the Indian Removal Act in 1830. This removal had disregarded Washington’s policy which aloud Indians to settle in the southeast as they were considered American Indian. As the Cherokee vs. Georgia case confirmed that natives were dependent people who needed protection, the act had been put into practice. When the act was passed Jackson had believed that the lands which once belonged to the Indians could be used by his benefit, which can provide future votes during elections. Jackson’s form of democracy produced many reforms which confronted the social ills of the day because he made some political changes which were very contradicting. In example, He was concern for the interest of man but not every man held the same rights as others due to social classes. As the new republic began to form many indentured apprentice were signed in covenant to their master which came with many trainings. These training consist of practices that were meant for economic livelihood which would help give the apprentice experience. Some people however did not have any assurance in the way the government set up these principles. Since Americans started to resist working for f... ...s Congress called for union with the United States" (Liberty, p.497). Once Houston was elected president, Texas had ended their disputes and joined America. The invasion of Texas would soon put Mexico on alert and lead to another dispute for America. Another dispute led to the beginning of the Mexican War, which took place in the mid nineteenth century. While most American’s supported the war due to the interest in gaining more land by expanding westward, they also faced their first war on other land outside of the United States (Liberty, p.499). Although Mexico was willing to stand their ground and fight for their rights, in the end they were quickly defeated and Americans were victorious in this war. Once they took over Mexico they began to expand further. This expansion led to a lot of changes which benefited America but caused a lot of destruction for others.

Of Mice And Men :: essays research papers

Of Mice and Men The title of the story is Of Mice and Men. The date of it's original publication was in 1937 The authors name was John Steinback. He was born in 1902 and died in 1968. The main character is named Lenny. Lenny is a big man. Lenny is mentally retarded and is cared for by his friend George. George is a small and stubby. George is the only friend that Lenny has and is his savior in every dumb thing Lenny does. George was basically given the job of caring for Lenny. A few miles from the Salinas River. Close to the hillside banks. In a very nice southern area with a river, mountains, and beautiful sandy land. The narrator is John Steinback. Lenny was a mentally retarded guy that had a fascination with mice. Lenny and George had a dream of having their own farm with many animals. Lenny especially wanted mice in his farm. But they had to work on farms in order to get money to fulfill their dreams. But every time that they would work on a farm Lenny would find a way to get them fired. When they got to work on this farm with many people they met a guy that had the same dream as Lenny and George. There was a woman who was Curly's wife. She would try to seduce Lenny into a relationship but Lenny wasn't very conscious of it. Curly's wife began to talk to Lenny and then Lenny was petting her hair and with his enormous strength broke her neck. Lenny was told by George that if he ever got into any trouble then he should meet him in safe place.George found Lenny there and shot him in the back of the head. The general tone was calm and at the same time sad. I liked the style because he wrote the story so realistically. The grammar was written in a southern way. Kind of like they do in the southern areas. I think that the story's main theme was a life full of the unexpected.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The play opens with Nora and the porter, and it immediately puts the Es

The play opens with Nora and the porter, and it immediately puts the spotlight on money, which emerges as one of the forces driving the play’s conflicts Analysis The play opens with Nora and the porter, and it immediately puts the spotlight on money, which emerges as one of the forces driving the play’s conflicts as it draws lines between genders, classes, and moral standards. Though Nora owes the porter a shilling, she gives him a pound, twenty times the value, presumably because she is infused with the holiday spirit. While Nora likes to spend and allows the idea of buying presents to block out financial concerns, Torvald holds a more pragmatic view of money, jokingly calling Nora a spendthrift and telling her that she is completely foolish when it comes to financial matters. Torvald’s assertion that Nora’s lack of understanding of money matters is the result of her gender â€Å"Nora, my Nora, that is just like a woman† reveals his prejudiced viewpoint on women. He quickly makes it known that appearances are very important to him, and that Nora is like an ornament or trophy that serves to his home and his reputation. Nora’s first conversation with Mrs. Linde plays a key role in establishing Nora’s childlike, self-centered, and insensitive character. Though she claims to be interested in Mrs. Linde’s problems, Nora repeatedly turns the conversation back to her own life with Torvald. Nora’s self-centeredness is further demonstrated in her revelation that she failed to write to Mrs. Linde after her husband passed away. It is only now, three years after the fact, that Nora expresses her sympathy; up to this point, she has made no effort to think beyond herself, and the fact that she does so now seems ... ...ut her husband in a good mood by mentioning the costume that she will be wearing at the dance. The thought of Nora dressed up and looking beautiful excites Torvald, who takes great pleasure in the beauty of his house and his wife. Torvald’s remark about Krogstad—â€Å"I honestly feel sick, sick to my stomach, in the presence of such people†Ã¢â‚¬â€illustrates his deep contempt for moral corruption of Krogstad’s sort. While he thinks that such a bad character is in direct contrast to his â€Å"sweet little Nora,† we are aware that Krogstad and Nora have committed exactly the same crime—forgery. Torvald, then, has unwittingly referred to Nora when he scorns â€Å"such people.† Torvald’s unknowing condemnation of the actions of the woman he loves is an excellent example of dramatic irony, a device that makes the audience see details of which certain characters are ignorant too.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Indian Film Industry Bollywood Essay

The entertainment industry in India has outperformed the economy and is one of the fastest growing sectors in India. However, it registered a moderate growth of over 6 per cent in 200.The industry is expected to grow from Rs. 166 billion (U.S. $ 3.45 billion) to Rs. 419 billion(U.S. $ 8.72 billion) by the year 2007. Film entertainment is the most popular form of entertainment and it is this undiminished passion through the decades that has driven India to become the largest producer of films in the world. Since 1931, when talkies were introduced in the country, the film industry has produced more than 67,000 films in more than 30 different languages and dialects. The film industry recorded a loss of Rs. 3 billion (U.S. $ 62.5 million) in gross revenues of Rs 39 billion (U.S. $ 812.5 million) in 2002. But, it is expected to grow annually by 19 per cent to reach Rs. 93 billion (U.S. $ 1.93 billion) by 2007. The industry produced 1200 films in 2002, and 1,013 films in 2001, up from 855 films in 2000. While Hindi films continued to be the largest segment in 2001 (23 per cent share), south Indian language films (Telegu, Tamil and Malyalam) have seen growth in their shares. India’s movie industry is a great sector for foreign investment by corporatized entertainment companies. Though risks are high on a per-movie basis, the risk spreads out across a number of films. However, the domestic filmmaking industry, despite its profligacy, is yet to acquire the character of professionalism on a large scale. BRIEF HISTORY OF INDIAN MOVIE INDUSTRY When the Lumiere Brothers’ first films were shown at Bombay’s Watson’s Hotel in 1895 or when Dadasaheb Phalke released his epochal feature film Raja Harischandra in 1913, it is unlikely that either the exhibitors or the pioneer film maker realised they were unleashing a mass entertainment medium that would hold millions in sway for the next hundred years; that they were spawning an industry that in years to come would overtake the rest of the  world in film production! For most Indians, cinema is integral to their lives; it is not a distant, two to three hour distraction, but a vicarious lifestyle for them. The large screen provides an alternative, an escape from the realities of day-to-day life. The protagonists are totally identified with, the hero is applauded, the virtuous is worshipped and the villain is condemned. The actors and actresses are household names; there is no escaping their omnipresence, from the Paanwala (betel vendor) to the most revered Indian painter – they are all caught up with the magnetism of screen personalities. A study of the vicissitudes of Indian cinema would throw light on the progress of technology, especially cinematography, and the changing political scene and social mores and attitudes. The silent films launched by Phalke, which had titles in English, Gujarati, Hindi and Urdu, by and large related to myths and legends. The stories were familiar to the audience and required minimum commentary. Historicals also proved very popular; Harsh, Chandragupta, Ashoka and the Mughal and Maratha kings strode the silver screen amidst cardboard pillars and in tinsel costumes. Strangely enough, while in the nineties we are still arguing over whether or not ‘kissing’ should be shown on screen, in the first decade of Indian cinema, with the British paying scant attention to censorship except when the Establishment was attacked in any way; leading heroines of the day kissed their leading men without inhibitions, like Lalita Pawar in Pati Bhakti (1922)! With the advent of Gandhiji came the plea for according a better status to women, the removal of untouchability and a cry for religious harmony. The silent era of Hiralal Sen, Baburao Painter and R. Nataraja Mudaliar came to an end when Adershir M. Irani produced his first talkie, Alam Ara in 1931. If Phalke was the father of Indian cinema, Irani was the father of the talkie. The classic Hollywood musical Singing in the Rain exemplifies the cynicism with which people first regarded the talking movie and this holds good for India too. There were too many gargantuan problems to be tackled; there were no dialogue writers, no lyricists; songs had to be sung during the filming as prerecording facilities were yet unknown. Minimum instruments  were used as the instrumentalists had to be camouflaged behind the singer. A quaint story goes that during the filming of a song the actress was getting agitated as the tabla beat was too fast. Finally the shooting had to be stopped and a hapless tabla player was pulled out of the pool where he had been hidden. â€Å"What can I do,† he cried, â€Å"a fish got into my dhoti (loin cloth)†. But the talking film had come to stay. Considering that even the silent film had a preponderance of songs, the talkie came to be more of a single; the heroes and heroines sang their way through the three-four hour movie. Histrionics and appearances counted less; a singing talent was all that mattered. To this day the Indian film song has a unique thrall. The music director, the song writer and the playback singers have an unparalleled status in India’s cinema. If Bombay was the hub of early cinema the other centres were not far behind; Calcutta and Madras with their own patriarchs were also making path-breaking films. Chandidas a film glorifying the Bhakti movement and castigating casteism, directed by Debaki Bose in 1932 for New Theatres, was lauded for its use of background music and dramatic narrative. K. Subrahmanyam’s Thyaga Bhoomi (1939) and Seva Sadan both advocated women’s rights and self-dependence. Seva Sadan also introduced to the world through the silver screen, the great singer M.S. Subbalakshmi, who came to be immortalised for her role in and as the poet-saint Meera both in Hindi and Tamil. While it is almost impossible to even list all the luminaries of Indian cinema over ten decades, the Wadia Brothers deserve special mention, before going into the different genres. JBH and Homi Wadia were the forerunners of the stunt film – the thirties was a period in Indian cinema when ‘Wadia’ and ‘Nadia’ were synonymous. Australian by birth, Mary Evans came to India with a dance troupe. She was asked to do a number for JBH’s Noor-e-Yman; she changed her name to Nadia. â€Å"Besides being a lucky name, it rhymes with Wadia†, she is reported to have said, and through various circumstances she became stunt actress for the Wadias, earning the sobriquet â€Å"Fearless Nadia†. The Wadias had a fixation for trains and made a number of films titled,  Toofan Mail, Flying Ranee, Punjab Mail and so on. Nadia got so used to sitting on roof top of trains for her stunts that she became reluctant to step off and even demanded her lunch be sent up! The true stunt woman, she grappled with a lion, did the trapeze, carried a calf and a man over running trains – it is unlikely there could ever be another actress like Nadia. She married Homi in 1960, and breathed her last recently. The forties was a tumultuous decade; the first half was ravaged by war and the second saw drastic political changes all over the world. Film-makers delved into contemporary themes. V. Shantaram, the doyen of lyrical films, made Dr. Kotnis Ki Amar Kahani – a tribute to Dr. Dwaraknath Kotnis who went out with a medical team to China and died there. Shantaram’s other films were reformist but visually appealing, like, Do Aankhen Barah Haath, Pinjra, Chaani. But there were films where pure artistic merit supersedes social message as in Jhanak Jhanak Payal Baaje and Geet Gaya Pattharon Ne. South Indian films also gained great footing. AVM and Gemini were two of the most prolific producers turning out social drama in the South Indian languages as well as in Hindi. While the thespian actor Shivaji Ganesan delivered mind boggling soliloquies on screen, many of the politically inclined writers and actors of the south Indian screen began to use the medium for reaching out to people. The DMK stalwarts, Annadurai, Karunanidhi and MG Ramachandran did not even resort to subtlety. â€Å"Naan anaittal adu nadandu vital†¦Ã¢â‚¬  sang MGR, (if I could be the decision maker, the poor of this world will not suffer†¦.†). The very titles of the films were chosen with care; Rickshakaran (Rickshaw Driver), Muttukara Velan (cowherd Velan) and En Kadamai (my duty) to convey his identification with the masses. No wonder he was hailed Makkal Thilagam (gem amongst people). Just how effective was the use of the medium was amply proved with the party coming to power and MGR getting voted Chief Minister of the state. The other star who used the screen image to great advantage was N.T. Rama Rao of Andhra Pradesh. The veritable screen god, NTR played the role so often that he began believing in his divinity. Apparently so did a lot of other people in Andhra, which is why we had a second screen hero from south as Chief Minister. While the south was busy wooing the public for votes, Bombay was either turning out escapist fare, light, happy, musical films with Dilip Kumar, Raj Kapoor, Dev Anand, Shammi Kapoor, Kishore Kumar, Nargis, Madhubala, Nutan, Geeta Bali, Mala Sinha and others or gave the audience absolute tear jerkers with social melodrama. This was the golden era of music. Shankar- Jaikishan, O.P. Nayyar, Madan Mohan, C. Ramchandra, Salil Chaudhury, Naushad, S.D. Burman – all had their distinctive sway. Each vied with the other to produce some of the most unforgettable melodies India has ever known. This was also the age of innocence; the screen was black and white, the vamp and the heroine did not merge, they had their domains, there were no shades to the hero, a man was all good or rotten to the core. No double entendres were woven into the songs and even the vamp was decently attired on the screen. This was the era of Raj Kapoor, of Shree 420, Awara, Boot Polish, Jagte Raho, Chori Chori and of course his magnum opus Mera Naam Joker – he was still making and acting in enduring films, the tramp who is not able to cope with the pace of the world. He caught up with times and his films changed with Sangam, Jis Desh Mein Ganga Behti Hai, Satyam Shivam Sundaram and Ram Teri Ganga Maili. Dilip Kumar and Guru Dutt were excellent foils to the chocolate-faced heroes as tragedy kings. So were Meena Kumari and Bina Rai amongst the heroines. But such was their versatility that they could also carry off comedy effectively. Two outstanding Hindi films of the fifties that deserve mention are K. Asif’s Mughal-e-Azam (took 14 years to make and is one of the most lavishly produced historical of Indian cinema) and Mehboob Khan’s Mother India, which is said to have gained the status of Gone With the Wind. In the meantime in Bengal, the man who was to take Indian cinema to the international arena and win accolades from the greatest film- makers, Satyajit Ray, released his first film, Pather Panchali (1955). After his trilogy there was no looking back for him or for cinema from Bengal. Mrinal Sen conveyed his quiet commitment to socialism through films like Calcutta, Oka Orie Katha (Telugu) and Bhuvan Shome. Director Ritwik Ghatak gave us memorable films Meghe Dhaka Tara and Subarnarekha. Although Bengal also came up with films that asked for a willing suspension of disbelief, these were  exceptions rather than the rule as in Bombay films, where the Mukherjis, Sippys, Chopras, Chakraborty and Manmohan Desai produced one bonanza after another for the masses and laughed all the way to their banks. There was no market for serious films, it was felt, and the classics that failed to break even like Guru Dutt’s Kagaz ke Phool and Raj Kapoor’s Mera Naam Joker, only strengthened the conviction. The former committed suicide and the latter resorted to the populist fare with Bobby. It was only after the government set up the Film Finance Corporation (FFC, which in 1980 came to be known as NFDC i.e. National Film Development Corporation) that several small but serious film makers got the wherewithal to make films, notable among them being Mani Kaul, Kumar Shahani and GV Iyer (with his maiden venture in Sanskrit, Adi Sankaracharya). The Corporation also partnered the making of Attenborough’s Gandhi and financed Satyajit Ray’s Ghare Baire which was to be one of the last films of the master. Like cinema in Bengal, Malayalam cinema too was meaningful but it took a longer time to get noticed. In fact it was Ramu Kariat’s melodious tragedy Chemmeen winning the President’s gold medal in 1965 that drew attention to Malayalam cinema. Adoor Gopalakrishnan (Swayamvaram) and others all gained similar recognition in the years to come. With actor Prem Nazir doing stellar roles in a record breaking 600 films, Malayalam films have come to be characterised by simple narration of powerful stories, authentic locales and low cost production. The Karanth (BV) – Karnad (Girish) combine have produced two milestone Kannada films Vamsa Vriksha and Samskara, both essentially iconoclast in treatment. Though much talked about, the critique of caste brahmins, the theme of both films was later seen to be rather extreme. In this context it is worthwhile to mention two films made in Tamil on the same subject. Vedam Pudithu directed by P. Bharatiraja and Ore Oru Gramathile by K. Jyothi Pandyan. Both carried strong indictments against caste hierarchy and the common man’s struggle to overcome it, but retained a balance – rather unusual for Tamil films. With government funds available for making films, the seventies saw an unhealthy divide between the existing commercial or mainstream cinema and the new parallel cinema or art films. The former was condemned unequivocally by the critics but continued to fill the coffers while the latter got rave reviews, bewildered the masses and created deep dents in government resources. Fortunately this situation did not last long, for soon there came a crop of film makers who realised that meaningful films need not necessarily incur heavy losses. Shyam Benegal, (Ankur, Nishant, Manthan) proved that there was an audience for films without frills but with a strong story and interesting narration. Govind Nihalani, Jabbar Patel, Mahesh Bhatt, K. Balachander, Bharati Raja, Adoor Gopalakrishnan, all fell into this category. Around this time, the singular phenomenon, the angry young man with his dark looks, smouldering eyes and mesmerising voice, Amitabh Bachchan, began to stride the scene like a colossus. He introduced to cinema for the first time as a cult, the negative or the anti-hero. Special screen plays were written for this hero seeking vengeance and taking on single-handed an unsympathetic establishment and inadequate legal system. The eighties saw the advent of women film makers, Vijaya Mehta (Rao Sabeb), Aparna Sen (36, Chowringhee Lane, Paroma), Sai Paranjpye (Chashme Baddoor, Katha, Sparsh), Kalpana Lajmi (Ek Pal and, later the much acclaimed Rudali), Prema Karanth (Phaniamma) and Meera Nair (Salaam Bombay). The most commendable thing about these directors is their individuality. Their films have strong content and are told with passion, (only Sai has tackled light hearted subjects). In the nineties, Indian cinema faces tough competition from television; the cable network gives viewers any number of channels and though the most popular channels continue to be the film-based ones, the cinema halls have taken a beating. Nevertheless, films like Aditya Chopra’s maiden effort, Dilwale Dulhaniya Le Jayenge and Suraj Barjatya’s Hum Aapke Hain Kaun have broken all records, because they recall the innocence of the fifties, a novelty in this age of sex and violence. This gives hope. Cinema in India can never cease, it has gone too deep into our psyche. It may undergo several reverses in fortune. With other mediums opening up, there will be a smaller market for films. Living as we are in a global village today, we are becoming a more discerning audience. No longer are we going to lap up every mediocre fare dished out by the moghuls of cinema; only the best will survive. And this is just as well.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

The Reliability Validity And Utility Of Self Assessment Education Essay

IntroductionThis news news base is a critical re approximation of Ross s piece of music in which he ex thrusts a re perspicacity of a odor into apply on the certainness, stiffness and humanity-service corporation of swelled head-assessment as a proficiency for busting encyclopaedism. In his purposes Ross ( 2006 ) report that ego-importance-importance estimate produced consonant irrefutable aftermaths in footings of rai blab student acquirement and purify(p)ing demeanour for larning. Harmonizing to the huskingings of the look into it was tack that specialty in the consumption of ego-importance-assessment was embedded in developing the pupils in the proficiency of cadence their personal hammer. The declargond role and purposes of Ross s typography were to dis naturally four of importee inquiries posed by teachers on the number of swelled headtism estimation. Stated below is the afores facilitate(prenominal) set of inquiries which voliti on organize the heart for the occur-and- take nates in this authorshipIs self idea a in force(p) estimate technique?Does self-assessment supply logical lawsuit closely pupil macrocosm de only if?Does self assessment better pupil commonplace entry?Is self judgment a utilizable pupil estimate technique?In this paper I argue that whereas these whitethorn be fundamental inquiries to teachers ( Ross, 2006 ) it is of import to take a critical expression at wherefore they were plunge to be relevant to the subject of idea, wherefore they were brocaded and who would profit from the solvent of their probe. I comparablely analyse the evidence-based statements do by Ross gurgle the topic of self-assessment and the literature he apply to set up his befallings. first-class honours degree- discriminate honours degree I leave al unitary make water guttle by discour clack assessment in worldwide, what it is and what are its intents before I embark on the cri tical compendium of Ross s mesh.The intention of AssessmentSchool and schooling is approximately assessment any minute much as it is intimately learning and larning. Black and William ( 1998a ) define assessment in instruction as on the full-page the activities that teachers and pupils the likewise belowtake to acquire cultivation that washbowl be employ diagnostic eachy to get a line strengths and failings in the force of instruction and eruditeness ( Black and William, 1998a12 ) . Appraisal bunghole hence be a federal get a capaciousncy of open implantation motive for whole stakeh ripeneds in the instruction system get prevail overing from the pupil right to the insurance policy shaper. Whereas judgement in schools whitethorn constituent many intents, Black, ( 1998b ) amounts them up into three promontory 1s viz. , support for acquisition, enfranchisement and answerability. The interference d cardinal step up this paper neverthe little is tramm el to self-assessment as a pliant physical body of estimation with the chief aim of jeopardize uping pupils acquisition. Whilst Freeman and Lewis ( 1998 ) agree that estimate in general stinker hold a large influence on students acquisition, paradoxically they accept that it give notice employment agown(prenominal)st it ( the acquisition ) if instruction is d wizard to the formning game, ( i.e. with a focal point on go throughing trials ) objet dart disregarding the signifi piece of assce and emergency of the manu concomitantures. This, they reite count, tends to aid a inactive generative linguistic rule of larning ( Lewis, 19987 ) which defeats the intent of estimate. Ross ( 2006 ) points come out at the oncoming of his paper that estimation endure be much(prenominal)(prenominal) of a stimulus to larning through suggestion and motive of pupils by carriage of giving them regular pattern so they tin see how pricey they are making in the acquisition resu lts. Similarly, he asserts that giving prompt feedback on any trials dvirtuoso provides study that de disjoint avail scholars name their strengths and failings to assist them better their acquisition and sagacity of constructs. Consequently as Freeman ( 1998 ) suggests, touch on the scholars themselves through the usage of self- estimation technique tends to assist them extrapolate their failings better and process them in be aftering what to make travel alonging at that placeby pickings duty of their personal acquisition. This is the primordial vanquish in Ross s paper and forms the eyeshade by bank bill analytical critique in this paper.Is Self-Assessment a dependable idea technique?Before diverge toing the inquiries on self estimation in this paper I allow for concentrate concisely on slightly of the literature by the advocates of self-assessment technique, much(prenominal)(prenominal) as Boud, ( 2004 ) , Orsmond, ( 2004 ) among other(a)s. In general foot ings, self judgment is what happens every shave we do almostthing and look back in the act of oppugning or judging ourselves and doing determinations most what we have just get toed and what would be the following measure ( Boud, 2004 ) . Self judgement means to a greater bound than pupils rating their own(prenominal) reach. It means affecting the pupils in the maps of finding what is faithful for their acquisition and how they commode arrive at it. It requires them to see the rollicks of a straightforward segment of represent and how they can phthisis this to their own(prenominal) work ( Boud, 2004 Orsmond, 2004 ) . Because the designation of criterions and standards used in self-assessment involves many activities, an efficacious ego appraisal agency entrust necessitate a great trade of readying if it go out function the intent it is intended to make. This paper volition turn to the plys raised in Ross s paper ( Ross, 2006 ) sing the assorted facets of ego appraisal and its benefits to the pupils, instructors and parents.Self appraisal is any activity which entails the scholar quite than the instructor fetching the temper, ( Brooks, 20028 ) . As take a firm stand by Boud ( 1986 ) in Orsmond ( 2004 ) , it is the elaborateness of scholars in placing criterions and/or standards to use to their work and doing imprints more than than or less the tip to which they have met these standards and criterions ( p.8 ) . heed little of the fortunes, the closely of import characteristic of self-assessment is who assumes the lead and who benefits in the performance ( Brooks, 200268 ) . Whereas Ross ( 2006 ) affirms that effectual self-assessment aid students to go better scholars, rise ego consciousness and intensifying their brainstorm into the appraisal procedure, this paper takes on the labour of placing the characteristics that make the procedure effectual, superstar of which is dependability, an issue that is or so to be discussed in this paragraph. reliableness as used by Ross refers to the soundbox of the consequence produced by a quantity rod tool under diametric fortunes, ( p. 2 ) . Besides Walkin, ( 1991 ) describes dependability as the extent to which an appraisal is systematically reliable and dependable when carried out by distinguishable assessors or by a individual assessor with various campaigners, or at disparate times of xxiv hours and in different topographic points ( p.10 ) . In this discussion section of the paper an sweat lead be made to associate these definitions and / or descriptions of dependability to the crusade provided in Ross s paper sing the dependability of self appraisal. In the incidental paragraphs, farther effort will be made to analyze the extent to which Ross used assorted bookmans to set up how self-assessment can be a dependable appraisal technique.Ross, ( 2006 ) introduced his paper by geting that the peck of instructors exploreed were shew to be widely utilizing self-assessment although they unperturbed had uncertainties about the dependability of the technique. Harmonizing to Ross, ( 2006 ) these uncertainties centred on the first step of two extremes go oning among the pupils. On the one script it was arrange that pupils who were non good propel and confused would hold a temperament of oer-estimating and blow uping their accomplishment out of self involvement whilst on the other manus those who were regarded as good childs underestimated their accomplishment. Whereas Ross, ( 2006 ) observed that this dissimilarity could possibly ensue in what he called a construct-irrelevant discrepancy ( ibid. ) , which would most presumable threaten the dependability of scaling, one would soothe oppugn the genuineness of the fortunes under which scholars are observed to be any good childs or ill-motivated and baffled. The doubtfulness of who sets the standards and who determines the good and bad scholars is an issu e of contention as a doable neediness of union in the acquisition environment and pupils ill to get by under different fortunes may ensue in one pupil s good twenty-four hours to be a bad one for the other. to a fault pupils who fall in the atonic class may happen themselves withdrawing into disillusion to the hurt of their semireality institution which in bend could impact the dependability of self-assessment. so far, this paper will search further the construct of good pupils and low winners and the consequence it has on their everyday pictureation in self appraisal. Establishing on Klenowski s definition of ego appraisal ( Klenowski, 1995 in Ross, 2006 ) Ross describes the procedure as bearing a formative member which aims to better pupil acquisition.Sing dependability of self appraisal Ross found what he called a heights degree of innate consistence which typically refers to the ability of the technique to give undifferentiated consequences under different for tunes ( Walkin, 199110 ) . Ross ( 2006 ) used illustrations of consequences from his ain inquiry coupled with that of other bookmans much(prenominal) as Rolheiser and Hogaboam-Gray ( 2002-b ) where they report spirited internal accordance in Mathematicss and English. Further causa he cited was in connexion with unity across undertakings, citing illustrations from Fitzgerald, Gruppen and White ( 2000 ) who examined self-assessment of medical pupils and found that a high degree of union existed in the pupils consequences across a scope of undertakings, and in peculiar indicating out in the creation eye(predicate) readation in the examination of standardised patients and variation of trial consequences ( Ross ( 2006 4 ) .The frequence of appraisal is another(prenominal) actor Ross identified as holding a bearing on the dependability of self-assessment. Ross ( 2006 ) cites bookmans like Blatchford ( 1997 ) , whose research findings bear witnessd that in that location was less(prenominal)(prenominal) consistence in the consequences of undertakings which were less oft assessed, hence bespeaking less dependability. Likewise findings from a muckle by Sung, Chiou and Hou ( 2005 ) revealed a greater dependability ( high consistency ) when the twitch periods mingled with appraisals is shorter. The age of the take parting pupils was another factor found to hold a bearing on the dependability of self-assessment. The reviewed research showed that the younger the pupils the less dependable were the consequences and likewise, on that point was a augury for the older pupils to be more unmanageableheaded in their attack to self-assessment of their worldly push usher, reflecting a high degree of dependability ( ibid, in Ross 20063 ) .In reply to the inquiry whether self-assessment is a dependable appraisal technique, Ross ( 2006 ) used considerable sum of literature and endorse his findings by evidence-based bookish commendations runing from beyond a decennary to the most recent on the topic of appraisal. Consequently he summarised his findings on this inquiry by detecting that on that point was adequate drive to back up self-assessment as a dependable technique. Notwithstanding, Ross ( 2006 ) accent that the degree of dependability tends to be high when the pupils are aright practised to measure their work and it is through with(p) more often over short periods of clip. Similarly, it is less consistent when appraisal is done over long-dated periods and particularly so when done among younger kids. In his contemplations on dependability Ross makes no reference of inconsistence as a consequence of good or bad pupils exactly points to age as a mitigating factor, where light-green kids can hold a less possible attack to self-assessment. This paper will discourse farther pace on the relevancy of Ross s work to the topic of appraisal and in whose involvement it was published. In the undermentioned paragraph I pre sent an analytic thinking of Ross s effort to turn to the inquiry of faculty of self-assessment technique.Does Self-Assessment supply valid worlds about pupil commonplace institution?Black, ( 1998 ) suggests that a trial is considered to be valid if it measures that which those who prepared it intended to mensurate. In his paper, Ross, ( 2006 ) defines hardiness in self appraisal as spirit with instructor opinion or peer rankings ( p.3 ) . In other quarrel rigour in self-assessment will be more obvious as we see how closely cerebrate the results of the triangulation procedure appear. Whereas Ross s analysis of the research consequences done on 48 university pupils ( Boud and Falchikov, 1989 ) revealed irrefutable consequences sing ability, in that location was concern sing the select of the surveies. For case, it was found that in that respect were unexplained fluctuations about what constituted taking into custody among the self-assessed and the instructor ass essed consequence, the standards used by instructors and pupils was vague, every bend good as a deficiency of reproductions affecting comparable group of pupil ( ibid, p. 3 ) .Given the in all likelihood disagreements Ross gives several(prenominal) grounds why self-assessments can at times be higher(prenominal) than teacher evaluations. First he cites illustrations by some bookmans much(prenominal) as Aitchison, ( 1995 ) in which he mentions that overestimations are possible if the ego appraisal contributes to the concluding class of a class ( Boud and Falchikov, 1989, in Ross, 20063 ) . Second age of the take parting pupils was once more found to be a factor with a bearing to cleverness in every office much as it was with dependability of self-assessment as discussed in the precedent subdivision. It was found that the younger the kids the more likely it was for them to overrate their public presentation. This phenomenon was attributed to a possible deficiency of cognitive accomplishments every bit good as getting over ambitious in their accomplishments. Ross ( 2006 ) established this fact by doing mention to Butler ( 1990 ) , who found that self-teacher understanding assortment magnitude at a higher rate of correlativity with age. However Ross ( 2006 ) farther attributed a high rate of student-teacher understanding to preparedness of the pupils in how to decently measure their work ( Ross et al, 1999 Sung et Al, 2005 in Ross, 2006 ) . In this regard Ross, ( 2006 ) established that facets much(prenominal) as intuition of the content of the cranial orbit in which the undertaking is embedded ( ibid, p. 3 ) a cognition that self appraisal is traveling to be compared with instructor or peer evaluations ( Fox & A Dinur, 1998 ) and when the application program of the standards involves low degree illations ( Pakaslahti & A Keltikangas -Jarvinen, 2000 ) were of import elements in the student-teacher understanding or the cogency of self-ass essment technique. However, Ross, ( 2006 ) makes a elucidation that understanding in the midst of self-assessment and peer-assessment is likely to be higher than self-teacher understanding on the footing that pupils will commonly discover appraisal standards otherwise from the instructors, by per put on the line concentrating on superficial characteristics of the public presentation ( p. 3 ) . A higher rate of understanding among self-peer and self-teacher appraisal could as well as be attributed to sympathetic inclinations between concerns, overruling the echt intent of appraisal by overrating each other s public presentation, which would adversely impact the cogency of the technique ( Walkin, 1991 ) .To turn to the grounds of cogency further, Ross ( 2006 ) makes mention to the advocates of assessment reform such as Wiggins et Al, ( 1993 ) who recommended that along with every major work pupils were to subject a self-assessment cogitate on the perceptual consume of their public presentation, ( Ross, 20062 ) . This was to be done per bump to find the cogency of self appraisal in relationship to what Ross calls understanding with an documentary standard ( ibid, p. 4 ) . Ross, ( 2006 ) cites the work of ( Cassady, 2001 Talento-Miller & A Peyton, 2006 ) who established that university pupils were likely to be more realistic in their self-assessment when exploitation to refine school under conditions where the ego studies would be checked against official paperss. In hatred of such conditions even, Ross, ( 2006 ) points to the consequence of the inspect which showed that eventide under rigorous conditions, it was found that high winners still gave accurate studies whilst low winners describe their appraisal less accurately and overestimated. Ross, ( 2006 ) attributed this to likely societal desirableness or self-enhancement factors ( Ross, 20064 ) . In his findings, Ross besides revealed that in that respect were still some fluctuations t o a certain course of instruction within self-teacher understanding that could non be explained to the full, mentioning causal cases such as pupils inability to use assessment standards even in bitchiness of preparation, pupils personal involvement, prejudice, and the possible undependability of instructor appraisals in relationship to student self-assessment.Ross concludes his treatment on the inquiry of cogency by admiting that there are disagreements revealed in the research he was reexamining. Nevertheless he submitted that such disagreements should be the in cat for farther survey and followup of the grounds embedded in pupils public presentation that might unwrap the strengths and failings in their acquisition procedure so that they can be good turn to through alter instruction. This leads us to the sight of eventful cogency, the issue to be turn to in the following inquiry.Does self assessment better pupil public presentation?It was mentioned before in this paper t hat self-assessment is a signifier of formative appraisal, which meant that it is a technique which aims at bettering larning. The old subdivision has intercommunicate the inquiry of cogency and it has been really all the way stated that a valid appraisal is one that contributes to a pupil s acquisition by mensurating those accomplishments and/or cognition it is designed to mensurate. In other words if the assessment tool does non concentrate on proving larning so it fails in its intent to help acquisition and can non be regarded as valid, harmonizing to the definitions by Black, ( 1998 ) and Ross, ( 2006 ) . This is what Ross calls consequential cogency, ( Ross 20064 ) in which he argues that the worth of a trial is determined by its cause for the scholars, asseverating that cellular inclusion of effects as a proportionality of trial cogency was found to be a cardinal destiny in of self-assessment reform ( ibid ) .In add-on to bettering acquisition, Ross, ( 2006 ) besides poi nted out another facet of ego appraisal that was straight come to with the pupils ego efficaciousness and a pixilateder desire to accomplish as provided in the work of Hughes, Sullivan, & A Mosley, ( 1985 ) in Ross, ( 2006 ) . Other bookmans like Fontana and Fernandez, ( 1994 ) provided grounds that pupils could execute better in topics like Mathematicss when ego appraisal was used as one of the schemes to increase pupils acquisition. To heighten public presentation and increase the eventful cogency of the technique, Ross, ( 2006 ) identified the schemes of learning pupils in self-assessment technique. These embroil the direct engagement of pupils in specifying the appraisal standards, citing an illustration where pupils can take part in the constructing of a rubric that expresses public presentation outlooks ( ibid, p. 5 ) . Ross further reviewed some of the schemes used to learn pupils in using the self-assessment standards, observing that giving prompt feedback on self-asse ssment and prosecuting the pupils in evidence-based treatments of the fluctuations between their self-assessed public presentation and that of their equals and instructors, besides referred to as triangulation, ( Black,1998 ) contributed greatly to ameliorate acquisition. It was besides observed that pupils would profit from instructors aid in utilizing the appraisal informations to develop realistic action programs both short and long term to get the better of their failings ( ibid, p.5 ) . Ross et Al, ( 1999 ) inform that a sample group of pupils were educate in these schemes, when they tried on the self-assessment technique to prove their acquisition they outperformed their equals who had non received similar preparation in topics like maths and geographics ( Ross 2006 ) . Positive consequences of self-assessment were besides inform in non-academic activities. A reappraisal of pupils ego appraisal in countries of behavior interior and outside the schoolroom showed that behavior had improved as a consequence of macrocosm given a self appraisal tool to supervise their tendency of behavior and fiting it with their ain action programs. It was reported that consistency in the usage of the tool contributed to the pupils high autonomy, increased positive interactions and there was grounds of a diminution in roiled and off-task behavior ( ibid ) .Notwithstanding, Ross identified a a couple of(prenominal) of the damaging results that were associated with self-assessment. An analysis of the interview informations conducted by Ross et Al, ( 2002 ) in a class 11 mathematics schoolroom revealed that self-assessment contributed to an increased deviation of assurance among the lower winners and that they gave up stressing after all while others unflinching to acquire out of the hard lessons all together. Ross, ( 2006 ) attributed this to what he calls ego-protecting onslaught decrease ( p. 5 ) . Ross backs up his study on the effects of self-assessmen t by prosecuting Bandura, ( 1997 ) on what he calls the societal knowledge theory, which fundamentally explains the conditional relationships between self-efficacy beliefs and outcome outlooks. Bandura, ( 1997 ) elaborates on this theory that in given spheres of operation, self-efficacy beliefs vary in degree, strength, and stimulus generalization ( ibid ) . However, he emphasises that the results of a procedure such as self appraisal can take the signifier of positive or negative physical, societal, and self-evaluation effects ( Bandura, 199722 ) . Ross, ( 2006 ) emphasise that self-assessment contributed to self-efficacy beliefs or the pupil s perceptual experience of their ability to execute the actions undeniable of them in similar time to come green light ( p. 6 ) using the construct that if the present undertakings are performed to their full satisfaction, pupils would be more likely to win in in store(predicate) undertakings ( Bandura, 1997 ) .Ross explores farth er the inquiry of whether or non self-assessment improves the pupils public presentation, by supplying more donnish grounds reappraisal in his paper. base on Bandura s apprehension of self-assessment and increased self-efficacy beliefs, Ross, ( 2006 ) established that pupils with greater assurance in their ability to carry through the mark undertaking are more likely to visualize success than failure, because they set higher criterions of public presentation and set out to accomplishing them ( p.6 ) . This introduces the ipsative office in the technique of self-assessment where a pupil is viing against himself or herself. As asserted by Bandura, ( 1997 ) pupils will expose a considerable self way in the face of competition, but in the guinea pig of self-assessment pupils would be comparing against their ain public presentations, thereby puting their ain realistic ends for their hereafter works. Continuity and assurance improve the attempt displayed in the public presentation which in bend influences positive results. Failure in one undertaking becomes a stimulation for the good pupils motivating them to farther action. disposed(p) to improved public presentation through the procedure of self-assessment therefore is the component of self-efficacy, ( Bandura, ( 1997 ) , self-assertion and attempt ( Ross, 2006 ) .Notwithstanding, the inquiry of placing some pupils as holding high of these qualities while another group has less or no(prenominal) at all demands to be intercommunicate. Could it be related to the social-economic place environment, or could it be attributed to a tendency of failing unquestionable during the school modus operandi? Whichever manner it is deserving look intoing at the right point in clip and non merely settle with the cognition that there are weak and strong childs in school. When all stairss as suggested by Ross ( 2006 ) have been taken and pupils are train to give them a sense of intent in the usage of self-assessment tech nique why would one fail to accomplish more positive consequences? In a expression population nevertheless, fluctuations in perceptual experience are likely to impact public presentation and hence results tend to change as a consequence. So there will be pupils with low self-efficacy who will comprehend failure as enervating grounds that they are incapable of refinement their ain set undertakings and hence give up. Ross, ( 2006 ) reiterated this fact farther from his happening that repeated negative self-assessment may take to pupils puting phantasmagoric ends, following uneffective acquisition techniques which in bend affect the attempt they put into their work. Finally they start doing alibis for their underperformance and sometimes taking to withdrawal. On the whole nevertheless, Ross, ( 2006 ) found mound scholarly grounds to demo that self-assessment will further an upward rhythm of larning as demonstrated by the surveies that found positive results of self-assessment. I wi ll reason this subdivision with an lineation of three ways through which Ross found self-assessment to be lending to larning. Ross s analysis of the scholarly work of Schunk ( 1996 ) found these to be among the procedures that self-moving pupils use to detect and construe their ain behavior They were,Self-observation self-acting pupils will intentionally concentrate on circumstantial facets of their public presentation related to their ain set criterions of success, with a face to better acquisition ( Ross, 2006 6 ) .Self-judgements pupils make self opinions in which they determine how good they think they have met their general and specialised ends besides by comparing present with past results in relationship to the specific set ends ( ibid. ) .Self- answer how the pupils interpret and suffice to the grade of accomplishment of their set ends, an indication of how satisfied they may be with the consequence of their actions. Self-reaction plays a major portion in puting rea listic ends for future acquisition every bit good as a major determiner of the pupils patterned ascent rhythm ( ibid. ) .Harmonizing to Ross s findings, these elements can merely be achieved and to the full apply through strict preparation which focuses on peculiar facets of the pupils public presentation ( Ross, 20066 ) . Ross justified his averments by mentioning illustrations of the facets of the pupils public presentation he referred to, such as the dimensions of a co-constructed rubric and redefining the standard pupils use to find whether they were successful or non, and by measuring teacher feedback to reenforce reading of their public presentation ( ibid. ) . Ross s averment on these influences of self assessment preparation was that they would increase the likeliness that pupils will construe their public presentation as a command experience, the most powerful seed of ego efficaciousness harmonizing to Bandura, ( 1997 ) as cited in Ross ( 20066 ) .Is self appraisal a usable pupil appraisal technique?The inquiry of whether ego appraisal is a utile pupil appraisal technique can outdo be addressed by first of all concentrating on what it does for the pupil. Black, ( 1998 ) gives both practical and cardinal grounds for affecting pupils in the appraisal of their ain work. Among these he mentions the practical component of acquiring them do some of the work themselves which, harmonizing to Black, ( 1998 ) allows the instructors the chance to bewitch through the programme of formative appraisal. Second, Black points to a more cardinal ground that self assessment enhances the student-teacher relationship, as it makes the learner take duty of their ain acquisition ( p. 127 ) .As stated at the beginning of Ross s paper, ( Ross, 2006 ) research has shown that the depressive disorder of affecting pupils in measuring their ain work has in the past been met with assorted feelings. Some of the grounds mentioned by bookmans such as Brooks, ( 2002 ) and B oud, ( 2004 ) relate to a deficiency of apprehension of the nature of the technique, and failure to lend oneself it right in schools. Harmonizing to Brooks, ( 2002 ) pupils who carried a negative attitude to self-assessment did so because they found it hard to hold on the horizon that they could transport out appraisal of their work to back up their ain acquisition. An analysis of the survey by Broadfoot et Al, ( 1998 ) as cited in Brooks, ( 2002 ) reported that because pupils had small or no discernment into the appraisal standard, or how instructors reached assessment opinions, they merely guessed what they thought instructors would reckon of their work, which defeated the whole intent of self-assessment. Harmonizing to the grounds provided in this paper and holding reviewed Ross s work at that place is no uncertainty that ego appraisal is a utile technique for pupils when they are decently trained in its significance and its execution. As Boud, ( 2004 ) would set it, the spec ifying feature of self-assessment is athe engagement of pupils in placing criterions and/or standards to use to their work and doing opinions about the extent to which they have met these standards and criterions. ( Boud 1991, p.5 as cited in Boud, 2004 )In the paragraphs that follow, I will show a critical analysis of Ross s findings about the strengths and failings of self-assessment technique which he reviewed in an effort to warrant why the technique is utile for pupils.Strengths of self-assessmentRoss, ( 2006 ) addresses the inquiry of utility of the technique to a greater grade, utilizing bookmans like Hughes et Al, ( 1985 ) Schunk, ( 1996 ) Sparks, ( 1991 ) , to turn out that ego appraisal is a utile technique. These provide plenty grounds to demo that self appraisal contributes to student achievement peculiarly if instructors provide the direct focusing in how to self-assess. Evidence is provided in an analysis of his ain work ( Ross et al, 1999 2002-a 2005 ) as cited in Ross, ( 2006 ) that ego appraisal contributes to better pupil behavior ( p.7 ) . Further analysis of Ross s evidence-based findings revealed more benefits of self-assessment and why it was found to be utileFirst it was reported that pupils found the technique utile because they gained a better apprehension of what they were supposed to make as they were involved in puting the standards for the appraisal.Second, because the technique enabled them to include of import public presentation dimensions such as attempt that would non usually be considered in appraisal.The 3rd benefit harmonizing to Ross findings was that self appraisal allowed the pupils to pass on information such as ends and aims sing their public presentation.The quaternate and last of the benefits in Ross s analysis was that pupils found self appraisal to be utile because it gave them information they could employ to better their work. ( Ross et al. , 1998 as cited in Ross, 2006 ) .The 4th benefit is possible bec ause of the ipsative nature of self appraisal mentioned in the beginning in this paper, which provides pupils with the chance to concentrate on their attainment, instead that the normative comparing with others as it helps them concentrate on how to better their ain work.Beside the pupils Ross, ( 2006 ) besides reviewed research findings about how instructors benefited from the effectual usage of self appraisal technique. The research established that doing the appraisal standards explicit to the pupils helped the instructors to separate indispensable from less of import characteristics of pupil public presentation and as a consequence they would be more focussed in their instruction. It was besides established that teacher-student conferences held as a follow up of self appraisal would assist to work out any disagreements that may be between self-teacher appraisal and that this might give instructors farther insight into the pupils thought and in peculiar aid to press out the mi sconceptions that prevent their farther acquisition. Ross, ( 2006 ) acknowledges that there was small information sing parents reaction to self appraisal nevertheless he asserts that if the building of the rubrics is done good and in tidy up linguistic communication, it will run into the ends of the course of study which will indicate to the involvements of the parents.Some noted failings of self-assessment.Ross, ( 2006 ) pointed out the figure one concern for instructors sing self appraisal was the fright that sharing control of appraisal with pupils would take down criterions and reward pupils who flip ones wig their appraisal ( p.7 ) . However if instructors implemented the recommendations as provided in Ross s work by affecting pupils in the whole procedure including the scene of the appraisal standard, and pupils were decently trained in what and how to measure I do non see this as a excusable cause for fright. Second, a deficiency of understanding between self-teacher app raisals is another failing Ross references which could be attributed to either mistakes of artlessness, or inability on the portion of the pupils to construe the appraisal standard. Ross, ( 2006 ) nevertheless found the greatest instructor concern to be what he called grade sharks which harmonizing to him pupils would intentionally blow up their accomplishment by lying about their attempt or misusing the standard ( Ross 20068 ) . However, as already explained in the inquiry that dealt with what self appraisal does for the pupil, such instances will be regurgitate incidents that can non significantly impact a good enforced procedure with co-jointly constructed rubrics between instructor and pupils. Another failing of the technique is that some pupils will happen it raw on them as some of the pupils will take advantage of it and tag everything as perfect even though it may non ( p.8 ) . But once more is nt it this what instructor appraisal and teacher-student follow-up conference s are for, to seek and chair the pupils appraisal every bit good as set clear and realistic ends? To sum up the failings found Ross ( 2006 ) noted that there was concern among instructors about parents reactions to self appraisal, claiming that pupils should non be making the work instructors are meant to be making.DecisionBefore the decision of his reappraisal of the research conducted on the dependability cogency and public-service corporation of self appraisal technique, Ross, ( 2006 ) first gives a comprehensive history of his findings about the ways which can do self appraisal more utile. To get down with he admits that no sum of research will convert the instructors who are sceptic about the truth of the technique. However he outlines four dimensions through which harmonizing to his findings betterment in the public-service corporation of self appraisal can be achieved.First Ross, ( 2006 ) found that affecting pupils in the procedure of specifying the standard will travel a long manner to better the dependability and cogency of the procedure if the rubric addressed issues of competency old(prenominal) to pupils every bit good as include public presentation characteristics that pupils find meaningful and of import to them. Ross, ( 2006 ) agreed with Rolheiser, ( 1996 ) that in so making instructors need non give up control of assessment standards but instead ordain a procedure in which pupils develop a deeper apprehension of cardinal outlooks, mandated by regulating course of study guidelines ( Rolheiser, 1996 in Ross, 20068 ) . Second, the component of learning pupils in the application of the appraisal standard was found to lend greatly to the credibleness of the appraisal and pupil apprehension of the rubric. Third Ross, ( 2006 ) found that feedback of information to pupils sing their ego appraisal would organize a procedure of triangulation between the pupil, his or her equal and the instructor s appraisal of the same(p) work utilizing the same standards, which would give more weight to the cogency and the concluding analysis in the procedure of appraisal. Fourth component was that with the aid from instructors, pupils would be able to utilize self appraisal informations to better their public presentation. On this issue, Ross found that edification in treating informations improved with age, citing an illustration in Ross et Al, ( 2002 ) where he found that when older pupils discussed appraisals with their equals and parents they focussed more on grounds of accomplishment and how to better public presentation, whereas immature 1s were more concerned with overall classs ( Ross 2006 ) . It was besides found that older pupils could utilize current accomplishment in comparing with past accomplishments to put specific, getatable and realistic ends concentrating on near terminals ( ibid, p. 9 ) .The review of this focal point work by Ross ( 2006 ) can be reason out by detecting that he sedulous a batch of literature in his ef fort to supply replies to the four canonical inquiries which are cardinal to the treatment in this paper. He noted that much of the research he reviewed was conducted on pupils measuring their work without equal interpretive counsel and he argued that cogency in self-assessment would increase if there was equal teacher-student duologue focusing on the standards of judging the grounds of public presentation. Whilst Ross, ( 2006 ) argues that there is sufficient grounds from his research reappraisal to reply the four basic inquiries which were raised by instructors at the beginning of his survey, there is grounds that his ain findings in surveies conducted earlier ( Ross et al, 2002 ) besides provide farther ground to warrant that these inquiries were important to the reader and shows why they are relevant to the topic of appraisal. In add-on to the reappraisal of other bookmans work Ross, ( 2006 ) asserts from his ain survey that psychometric belongingss of self appraisal suggest that it is a dependable appraisal technique, capable of bring forthing consistent consequences across points, undertakings, and contexts over short clip periods ( p. 9 ) . Ross s findings on the elements of dependability, cogency and public-service corporation of self appraisal and how these can be implemented as presented in this paper are some of the convince grounds why I believe that the four basic inquiries raised by instructors have been addressed with satisfaction in Ross s paper. Last, Ross s bibliography and other scholarly work cited provide adequate grounds that the literature engaged was by experts in the field of educational appraisal and it can be trusted as relevant for intents of this paper.( 5876 )